Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Action Shoot Final

Panning-Here, Carolina is jumping off of a bench in the tennis court at Akins High School. She attempted to "fly" as she grew tired of waiting in the cold.
Action- Carolina running in the tennis court at Akins High School during 8th period. Another attempt to cap her boredom whilst waiting for the rest of the group.
Choice-  Santiago playing tennis during 8th period at Akins High School. As sure Andy attempted to beat him, Santiago's glorious stride progressed him to defeat him.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Archiecture Preview

Detail- This picture is a great demonstration of detail because it shows the up close designs of the arch.
Light- This picture shows how the light interacts with the room to give it a darker feel.
Patterns- This shows a repetition of the circles and is perfectly symmetrical.
Angles and Shapes- This is a great angle shot because the photographer manipulated his position to make this building appear as abstract as possible.
Surroundings- This picture shows how the building looks very different than the buildings in the background, which makes it a good surroundings picture.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Caption Warm-up

Ian Loyd is sophomore at Akins High School, as seen here playing exciting games with his goat after school Wednesday. He has been in the after-school program, FFA, since he enrolled in high school his freshman year.

Some of the rules of composition that are present in this photo are leading lines and avoiding mergers. The leading lines are indicated by the fence in the background as it leads the focus directly to the boy and the goat. Avoiding mergers is not illustrated by how the boy's leg is merging with the goat. There is also a balance with the boy and the goat.

Depth- The stuff in the foreground middle ground and background are in focus, making it look 3-D.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Africa: black and white

1. When I was watching this I was just amazed how managed to capture these moments without being noticed. I was also amazed by how many different compositions Nick Brandt used.
2. My favorite photo was the one with the female lion and the male lion resting on each others foreheads. I like this picture because not only is it a very simple concept, it is also filled with a lot of emotion and shows the true relationship between the two lions.
3. a) He used a Pentax 67II film camera.
    b) He wants to see the animals within the context of the environment.
    c) To take photographs that transcend what has been a largely documentative genre.
    d) There is perhaps something more profoundly iconic, mythical, mythological even, about the animals of East Africa, as opposed to say, the Arctic or South America.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Basic News Writing

Who was involved?
School board, parents and employees
Who does/did the situation affect?
Employees and schools
Who said so?

School board, officials.
What is happening?
The district's cutting 1,153 jobs. The state could cut Austin's funding by more than $79 million
What did happen?

we approximately have $94.4 million shortfall
What are the consequences?
 Many people will lose their jobs. There will also possibly be school closures.
What are the choices?

Cut jobs, close schools.
When did or will this happen?
 2011-12 budget will be presented to trustees on April 11.
When was this discovered?

Since the economy was down.
Where did or will this happen?
State of Texas.
Why did this happen or will it happen?
Jobs will be cut to help close an anticipated $94.4 million shortfall and to balance the proposed $688 million 2011-12 operating budget.
How did it or will it happen?
School board will propose 2011-12 budget.
How many people does this affect?

1,153 because those are the ones will lose their jobs.
How do you feel about this?

Sad people many people are gona lose their jobs and that could lead to family financial issues.

Who is involved?  
Barry Bonds, Randy Velarde, Greg Anderson 
Who does/did the situation affect?
Barry Bonds
Who said so?
The courts.

What is happening?  
Barry Bonds has been using performance-enhancing drugs 
What did happen?  
Barry Bonds was tested positive for the steroid Tetrahydrogestrinone in 2004 
What are the consequences?
  Barry Bonds is charged with four counts of lying and one count of obstruction for telling a grand jury in 2003 that he didn't knowingly use performance-enhancing drugs.
When did or will this happen? 
 March 30th.
Where did or will this happen? 
San Francisco.
Why did this happen or will it happen? 
Because Barry Bonds used performance enhancing drugs.
How many people does this affect?  
Barry Bonds and Greg Anderson 
How do you feel about this? 
Barry Bonds is cheating for using the drug because he's supposed to use his own skills and talents he has.

Who is involved?  
People, government, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano 
Who does/did the situation affect? 
Japanese people who live near the radiation affected areas  
Who said so?
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano 
What is happening?  
People who live near the radiation affected areas will have to stay away from homes longer than expected time. The evacuation period will be longer. There are concerns about radiation levels on beef, seawater and groundwater. 
What did happen?
  People have evacuated but the time has extended. 
What are the consequences? 
 The disaster could get worsen. Radiation has been found in beef from Fukushina prefecture. Cesium are spreading through out the ocean waters which will affect the fish. 
What are the choices? 
 Meat will not be sold and will be tested 
When did or will this happen?  
After the earthquake in Japan 
When was this discovered? 
Where did or will this happen?  
Why did this happen or will it happen?
Because of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan 
How did it or will it happen?  
The radiation is spreading around. Cesium 137 levels have spiked in ocean waters off the nuclear plant. Once the cesium is exposed under water, plankton will absorb cesium which will be eaten by fish. 
How do you feel about this?
This will be a tragic event because the radiation affects so many things that could cause death to people. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Interviewing Skills

  • Parents, Teachers and Students

    •  What is your view on school uniforms, in general?
    •  Do you think that it limits individual expression?
    •  Do you think that it could help regulate some clothing issues at school?
    •  Do you think that uniforms set a better example of the presentation of a school?
    •  What do you think should be limitations if your school (or child's school) did decide to establish uniforms?
    •  Do you think that it's fair to wear uniforms?
    •  What type of respect do you think uniforms bring?
    •  Do you think uniforms demonstrate professionalism?
    •  Should there be any exceptions, considering uniforms?
    •  What colors would you expect to see if your school (or child's school) decided to enforce uniforms?
    •  Do you think that the uniform policies more or less lenient?
    •  How do you feel about a limited creativity?
    •  Do you think that uniforms will help with mutual respect?
    •  How do you feel about strict policies?
    •  Do you like or dislike the ideas of having uniforms?
    •  How do you think that adolescents will react to uniform policies?
    •  How do you feel about spending money on uniforms?
    •  Do you think that uniforms can cause the economy to slip because of the decrease in spending in other clothes?
    •  Do you think that uniforms will help with maturity of adolescents?
    •  Do you think that since students have to wear uniforms, it would be fair for teachers to wear them too? 
    •  How do you feel now that you're the student of the month?
    •  Does being student of the month come with any advantages?
    •  Does being student of the month come with any disadvantages?
    •  How much extra attention do you get?
    •  Is it fun being student of the month?
    •  How do teachers treat you?
    •  What do your parents think about this?
    •  Is this the first time being student of the month?
    •  Do you think this will be your last time?
    •  Do you have a sense of pride now that you have this title?
    •  Do you think that this has determined you to work harder or less?
    •  Has your parents awarded you in any way?
    •  What does the rest of your family think about this?
    •  Do you think that this will help you achieve more in college?
    •  Do you think that this will help you achieve more in the work force?
    •  Do you feel like all your hard work has paid off?
    •  Were you excited to here the news?
    •  How did your best friend react when you told him/her?
    •  Do students treat you differently?
    •  Do you like or dislike being student of the month? 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cool Advertising

I like this photo because the painted arms act as leading lines to the subject of this ad. I also like how the background is nice and simple, which also brings more attention the the phone which is trying to be sold. From this picture, I would buy an AT&T phone because this advertising technique really makes the phone seem like the coolest phone in the world.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Touching People

1. I think that this is a very different type of project then normal photography. In the essence of photography, taking a picture in the natural environment is the key to getting a true emotional reaction within the photo. Instead, this photographer did the complete opposite and took two subjects of opposite backgrounds and still managed to get a real emotional reaction. I found this project particularly interesting.

2. At first I would be kind of alarmed and very skeptical, but after a while I think that I would loosen up to the idea and become more comfortable with the photo shoot.

3. I think that a fun and unusual thing to shoot would be to shoot a relationship that two nations would share.

4. I think that the photographer was really just trying to capture the true emotions of a very unusual and interesting encounter between two strangers, rather they be alike or different. This photographer took pictures based on emotion rather than composition.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yearbook elements and notes

1.Divided sections sorted by categories
2.Class Favorites
3.Autograph pages
4.Senior Pages
5.Opening Page
6.Collages of different school extra-curricular activities
7. Faculty section
8.Student section
9.Volume number

Things that should be in every good yearbook
1. Cover-"Our... time"- School name, year, theme, volume #- theme: "Our...Time"
    inside first page-pictures, table of contents, quote, subjects, theme elements
    2 first pages= in sheets- holds pages to the cover
    back two pages- yearbook staff
   Two in sheets- front and back in sheets
   First Page (title page)- pictures, info about the high school
   *Two pages side by side that work together is called a spread
   Divider Pages- 7-usually seen in table of contents
    From Back of book- yearbook staff, letter from senior editors, index, "game time", business and senior ads, senior pages, colophon

Monday, February 7, 2011

Portraits and Self-portraits

1. If you’re taking photos in a studio, use a mannequin for light testing: Much easier than guesstimating!
2. Use your imagination! A self-portrait can reveal a lot about you, by including props and even other people that are meaningful in your life.
 What I like about this picture is that it's pretty creative. I like how he photographer took this at a different viewpoint then just profile or straight on, he shot it in between the two points to create an image that the balloons appear larger then they normally are.

 What I like about this picture is how the environment is all neutral colors and the girl in the center has a bright color that contrasts and makes her really stand out as the subject. I also like how the doorway frames her body and draws attention to her.

What I like about this self portrait is how her shape adds for more dimension, than if she were to just sit at an  average profile stance. I like how her body is placed at the right end of the picture but her hair extends to the rest of the picture, adding drama to her appearance and intensity to the photo.

What I plan to do in my portraits is to use different view points and to use the environment to emphasize the subject of my photos. I want my subject to have many different views to her/him, and I want to get as many angles as I can on the subject of my choice. I also want to put my subject in a natural position so that the picture looks as authentic as it can get.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Notes- Magazine Covers

Cover Types
1. Early Magazine Cover
2. The poster Cover
3. Pictures Married to Type
4. In the Forest of Words

In the Forest of Words-
    a lot of words
    different colors/sizes/fonts
    all over the place
    can be distracting(disadvantage)
    sometimes you don't see the full photo(disadvantage)

Stuff that should be in my magazine cover-
   date line

Pictures Married to Type-
   less text then forest of words
   most words on one side
   text is involved in the photo
   words go into an empty space in the magazine
   A little boring(disadvantage)
   Not as many entry points(disadvantage)

Poster Cover-
    Only one set of headline
    Headline talks about picture on cover
    small words
    photography has to be really good in order to catch an appeal(disadvantage)

Early Magazine Cover-
    No photo
    Big broad areas of color
    No date line
    No price tag
    No barcode
    Topics were ethical and about nature
    Some church related

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I like this picture because it has a different viewpoint then the average picture. I also like how the colors of the bees are so articulate and how they seem to radiate with a glow out of they bellies of the insects. I also like how the trees and the buildings are framing the bees and how the photographer uses a fisheye effect to create a different dynamic to the photo.
I like this picture because all of the focus is on the gull, and there's no contrasting background to take that focus away from the subject. I also like how the photo has very earthy tones, it helps to give a sense of a connection with the environment. Another outstanding effect of this picture is that it tells the story very clearly of the adversity this animal has to deal with.

What I like about this photo is the leading lines created by the trees that lead the people to the fire. These trees not only serve as leading lines, but they also serve as a frame to the main subjects of the photo. I also like how the brightness of the orange glow of the picture is balanced by the black of the water, trees, and the people, it helps to make the picture even more powerful.

1.Neutron Star Collision by Muse
2. Despicable Me
3. Earthquake that shocked Haiti
4. Neil Gaiman
5. I-Pad came out

1. One thing that I did over the break that was really memorable to me was that I got the new kinect for the x box 360. My favorite game is the dance central because not only does it give you a good workout it helps you to better your dancing skills, plus it's really fun.
2. My resolution for 2011 was to get my car and get a job.
3. I am looking forward to graduation.