Monday, April 11, 2011

Africa: black and white

1. When I was watching this I was just amazed how managed to capture these moments without being noticed. I was also amazed by how many different compositions Nick Brandt used.
2. My favorite photo was the one with the female lion and the male lion resting on each others foreheads. I like this picture because not only is it a very simple concept, it is also filled with a lot of emotion and shows the true relationship between the two lions.
3. a) He used a Pentax 67II film camera.
    b) He wants to see the animals within the context of the environment.
    c) To take photographs that transcend what has been a largely documentative genre.
    d) There is perhaps something more profoundly iconic, mythical, mythological even, about the animals of East Africa, as opposed to say, the Arctic or South America.

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